Skill Development and Livelihood Enhancement

“To make a living, it is important to possess necessary skills that make one employable. It helps people in learning the appropriate skill and then finding a source of livelihood based on that. skills development can reduce un – and underemployment, increase productivity, and improve standards of living. Surujmukhi has been working on skill development and enhancement of livelihood of rural people since its beginning. Frequently We have been implementing lots of skill development and livelihood activities through various processes where a large number of people including Men and women are directly connected.”

Self Help Group Promotion and Joint Liability Group Promotion and Strengthen

“Together they can change their lives to be self – reliant”

Surujmukhi is escalating the power and potential of rural men and women towards economic growth……

Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme

Surujmukhi have formed total 102 numbers of women SHG`s under this programme in Khowang Development Block area of Dibrugarh District. After formation of the groups, they are being linked up with the concern nationalized banks. Capacity development training programme is also conducted time to time for the SHG members. Further necessary guidance and support inclusive of monitoring their books of accounts and such was extended by the members of the NGO.  Under the shade of it, many of the groups had taken up certain livelihood activities within their periphery of their skill and resources. This programme is totally funded by the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) and was sanctioned in the year 2016 for 4 years.

Farmer’s Club Program of NABARD

One of our objectives is to promote income generation activities by developing agriculture and allied sectors and un-organized, rural based industries, by promoting development of infrastructure, poultry, fishery, silk worm cultivation as well as Dairy development. For meet this objective we are taking help from NABARD. They have a unique program namely “Farmers` Club Program”. Which mission is “Development of Rural areas through credit, technology transfer, awareness and capacity building”. In this financial year, we are forming total 6 number of farmers` club in Pathalibam Gaon Panchayat area under Khowang Development Block. Surujmukhi have planning various development strategies in near future for each and every Farmer’s club. The base level orientation and training program (BLOTP) of the above mention Farmers` Club were held separately. The programs were held in the presence of DDM NABARD, LDM, ADO, and VLEW etc; which is much benefitted for the farmers.

Awareness Program on Commodity Future Market for Farmers:

Market is the prior issue for the marginal farmers in these days. For sensitizing the farmers about the future marketing their products, a one-day awareness program was observed in collaboration with NABCONS (NABARD consultancy services) and FMC (Forward Market Commission). In this program, NABARD and KVK officials are present there and talked to the farmers about the market. It was held on 14th February, 2014 at Sepon Chakalia. Almost 50 farmers from different villages of the area are present in the awareness program.

Farming Practice

One of the objectives of SURUJMUKHI is to promote income generation activities by developing agriculture and allied sectors; and to practice it SURUJMUKHI have done farming of bottle gourd, potato and tomato in an area of approximately 1(one) hector land. Through this, SURUJMUKHI were able to put some weight to the fund.

SHG’S Product Exhibition Cum Sale

A five days SHGS` Product Exhibition Cum Sale was sanctioned by NABARD Assam regional office to NGO Surujmukhi. The programme was in Naharkatia sports association field from 7/01/2019 to 11/01/2019 for five days, where 40 SHG’S participated from various places of Jaipur and Tengakhat Development block area. These SHG brought various food items made of basically rice along with handloom products and various handmade musical instruments, handicrafts. In these five days they have able to sale a huge amount of their produces. Surujmukhi committed to give this type of platform to the SHGs to do their business.

 Organic Farming

“A step towards taking care of the Earth”

Surujmukhi is always interested in converting our farms to organic agriculture…

FSPF: Project on Protected Cultivation of Organic Vegetables and Floriculture

Protected cultivation practice is a cropping technique wherein the micro climate surrounding the plant body is controlled partially/fully as per the requirement of the plant species grown, during their period of growth. This cultivation is highly productive, conservative of water and land and also protective of the environment.

With the funding from NABARD, Surujmukhi have started a model organic farm for protected cultivation of organic vegetables and floriculture at Naharani village of Dibrugarh District. The project is sanctioned for 3 years. Having taken into consideration the significance of organically grown vegetables and flowers, we have able to replicate the same to 43 farm families during this financial year. They are benefitted financially and got an opportunity to engage themselves. Many people visited and studied the farm and came to know about the method of organic farming and the procedure of protected cultivation. From the month of October, 2017, the cultivation of the farm is started with two poly houses, during this financial year total five poly houses is being constructed. Water supply facilities are also being installed. Total ten numbers of farm families are involved in this farm initially as project beneficiaries. They learn organic farming for the first time and other than the project, they also started doing organic cultivation of vegetables in their houses. We have creating awareness about organic farming in nearby villages. The inputs for fertilization and plant protection, like vermicompost, vermiwash, compost, panchagavya, sasyagavya etc are used in farming. Production is getting high due to protected condition.

Mushroom Cultivation

“A perfect option for profitable business”

Micro Skillpreneurship Development Program (MSDP):

With an aim to skill the rural women in mushroom farming and providing a platform to strengthen their entrepreneurial qualities, the

concerned NGO had worked in specific on mushroom cultivation and drying for the financial year 2019-20, 2020-21, in different locations of Dibrugarh and Charaideu District. The MSDP is funded by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII). The NGO also had extended their duties to furnish market linkage to the farmers in this stipulated period.

Livelihood and Enterprise Development Program (LEDP):

The training programme was conducted in various villages of Khowang Block of Dibrugarh district in the financial year 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively under the funding of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Both Mushroom cultivation and value addition were taught during the trainings. Women were highly motivated and actively participated in the entire trainings. The NGO also had extended their duties to furnish market linkage to the farmers in this stipulated period. After the training. Some women had started their own enterprise.


“The dream on handloom”

Micro Skillpreneurship Development Program (MSDP):

With an aim to skill the rural women in different trades and providing a platform to strengthen their entrepreneurial qualities, the concerned NGO had worked in the financial year 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 to provide training in different locations of Dibrugarh and Charaideu District. The NGO also had extended their duties to furnish market linkage to the farmers in this stipulated period. The MSDP is funded by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII).

Livelihood and Enterprise Development Program (LEDP) on Weaving:

The program was conducted in Dibrugarh and Charaideo district in the financial year 2019-20 and 2022-23 which was funded by NABARD. The trainees for the program are members from matured SHGs (SHGs which are credit linked for at least o6 months and whose credit facilities are not overdue and not declared as NPA). The training program has necessary inputs on enterprise management, business awareness, rural market dynamics, achievement motivation, simple accounting procedure and skill development training in addition to the focus on the weaving activity.

Micro Entrepreneurship Development Programme:

To develop their skill and start a micro enterprise give training to total 120 women in handloom in four different place of Dibrugarh district. The training was of 13 days each. In the 13 days training programme, the women were taught about the theoretical as well as practical aspects of Jacquard handloom. The subjects taught are- Bobbin winding, Cree ling, Leasing, Warping, Beaming, Drafting, Denting, warp setting, Denting, Warp setting, Pirn winding, weaving, card cutting and designing concepts.


“The joy of tailoring is an art…”

Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDP):

Entrepreneurship is a process towards self-employment and self-reliance. The MEDP on Reusable mask and sanitizer making is aimed at promoting establishment of micro enterprises by the trained SHG members. The program was fully funded by NABARD for the financial year 2022-23. We have completed total 2 Nos of MEDPs on Tailoring and Dress making in Khowang and Joypur block of Dibrugarh district. Total 60 Nos of SHG members are trained through the program and able to start a new livelihood venture.

Sewing Training Centre:

Surujmukhi has started a sewing training center in Chakalia, Sepon with the help of Jana Kalyan Trust, Guwahati. The training center is run from 28th day of December 2016, with 14 numbers of trainees. In the financial year 2017-2018, we have trained total 48 numbers of women.

Sewing Training Centre:

Surujmukhi has started a sewing training center in Chakalia, Sepon with the help of Jana Kalyan Trust, Guwahati. The training center is run from 28th day of December 2016, with 14 numbers of trainees.

Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESDP)

Entrepreneurship is a process towards self-employment and self-reliance. In present scenario, the development of entrepreneurship among youth and prospective entrepreneurs become a topic of discussion. It helps them to develop new skills and experiences, positive attitudes, greater awareness on entrepreneurship and active engagement.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) engages services of Surujmukhi for conducting the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programmes (ESDP) in Dibrugarh and Choraideu District of Assam. The main objective of the programme is to identify and motivate Youth and Prospective Entrepreneurs, having potential for setting up traditional/Non-traditional Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) with an objective of leading them towards entrepreneurship/self-employment.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) engages us to conduct five different programmes of ESDP in these Dibrugarh Districts.

Handicraft…. A visible edge of art

Micro Skillpreneurship Development Program (MSDP):

We have trained total 51 Nos of women trainees on Handicraft making under Micro Skillpreneurship Development Programme (MSDP) in Tingkhong block of Dibrugarh district last year. The programme was supported by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) for the financial year 2022-23. Women started their own production after the training.

Scientific Pig Farming, Scientific Goat Farming and Integrated Fish Farming

“Towards more productivity….”

Surujmukhi Has conducted a Scientific Pig Farming trainingin Hatipoty Missing Gaon of Nazira block Nangalamara Kukurachara Gaon of Demow block, Sivasagar district in the financial year 2022-23 under Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDP). The project was sanctioned by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). The duration of the training was 15 days where 30 women trainees belong to various SHGs were trained. This training will help the trainees to start Pig Farming in a scientific manner to make more production and to make it more profitable business.

Scientific Goat Farming: Surujmukhi has conducted a Scientific Goat Farming training in Khorahat village of Demow block. Sivasagar district under Livelihood and Enterpriser Development Programme (LEDP) which was funded by NABARD in the financial year 2022-23. In the whole training process, total 90 Nos of trainees were trained in three batches for a duration of 30 days where all the trainees were the members of active and matured SHG (SHGs which are credit linked for at least o6 months and whose credit facilities are not overdue and not declared as NPA)s and belong to poor economic background. The training was basically designed on scientific methods of goat farming with the aim of more production and market for goat farmers.

Surujmukhi has also conduct an Integrated Fish Farming training in Tengakhat block of Dibrugarh district under Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) which was sanctioned by National Bank for Agriculture and rural Development (NABARD) in the financial year 2022-23. In the whole training process, total 90 Nos of trainees were trained in three batches for a duration of 30 days where all the trainees were the members of active and matured SHGs (SHGs which are credit linked for at least o6 months and whose credit facilities are not overdue and not declared as NPA). The training was basically designed to make the trainees familiar about the integrated fish farming as a potential livelihood activity.

Bamboo and Cane Craft Making

“Bamboo… the craft of the future”

Cane and Bamboo based industries have been identified as potential sunrise industries in India. Cane is mostly used for furniture making, whereas bamboo is used for making variety of decorative items. These eco-friendly products are light in weight and have their own style and elegance. These products have a high life with minimum maintenance equivalent to wooden products. Strips of bamboo and various types of canes are extensively used to manufacture different utility and decorative items. Mats, lamp shades, trays, baskets are weaved and knitted by the skilled hands of the artisans. Cane and bamboo can also be converted into strong and unique furniture, which are very popular now. Jewellery, bags and handbags are the other popular items of this craft. There is tremendous demand of the products in domestic as well as in international market.

To give a platform to the rural people on bamboo craft making, Surujmukhi has conducted a NABSKILL programme on Bamboo and Cane Craft Making with the support from NABARD Regional Office, Ghy. The Project was sanctioned for the financial year 2022-23. The whole project was running for 74 days where it was divided into two batches with 37 days for each batch. Total 30 trainees were in each batch. The first batch was designed only for the male trainees and the second batch was designed only for female trainees.

In the 37 days training, the trainees were taught about the theory as well as practical of Bamboo and cane craft making (bamboo cultivation, bamboo plant medicinal treatment, cutting, skinning, sanding, cleaning, sizing, banding and finishing for making of various products (both major and minor products) like Bed, Sofa set, Dining set, Comfort chair, Flower stand, Tray, Cup, Wall Hanging, Pasi, Dola, Kula, Saloni, Ring, Earing, Necklace, Chain, etc. They were also taught about value addition and marketing of bamboo products, Business management, accounting, Business plan development, etc. After completion of training, the trainees have started their own production of bamboo craft.